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Turns 25 and 26 of the Phoenician Empire, or...

Updated: Mar 27, 2019

Cleo-ly You Nile’d It


I'll be playing one turn (and one more turn...) of Civ VI: Gathering Storm every day over the next 250 days. Previously on...

In the year 3040 BC, the Phoenicians meet Cleopatra of Egypt. Exchanging information on capitals and delegation, the hope for trading partners grows.

The Phoenician scout visits the village north of Nazca and receives an envoy in response. His explorations have earned him an Alpine promotion, allowing him to cross hills as though it were a beach.

The Phoenician scientists finish their research in Mining to open the earth’s treasures, inspired by the marble deposits just beyond the boundaries of Tyre. They now focus their energies on the adoption of Writing, so that future generations may build upon their ancestors’ work.

Tyre has also completed the construction of the monument started in 3480 BC, which promises to continue to spur their culture forward. Upon its completion, the government commission the construction of a granary to support its growing population of nearly 100,000 people.

The slingers and recently promoted warriors, primed and waiting for the barbarians across the Beirut River to defend their homeland, were caught in the Great Flood of 3000 BC.


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