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Turns 1 and 2 of the Phoenician Empire, or...

Updated: Mar 15, 2019

How Dido Grow Tyre'd of the Land


I'll be playing one turn (and one more turn...) of Civ VI: Gathering Storm every day over the next 250 days.

dido of phoenician empire civ vi screenshot

The year is 4000 BC, and a small band of Phoenicians found themselves on the banks of the Beirut River. It is here, along the Arctica coast, they settled their first city; the city of Tyre.

The Phoenician people brought to Tyre advanced knowledge, not only of writing but sailing as well. While their capital city was located near the rice rich flood plains of the Beirut River and the seas were populated with fish, the people of Phoenicia knew they had to explore the world around them if they were to ever reach their destiny.

And with that resolve, they began the training of a scout and sent their single troop of warriors east to explore and report anything worthy of note, in the year 3960 BC.


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